These are a few questions we are asked frequently. If you don’t find the answers you are looking for, please Contact Us directly.
We are always looking for high-quality instructors to teach in all dance styles and areas of the world. Email your resume to along with a cover letter with your vision of how you could help RDM impact the world with Jesus through movement. Dance isn’t your thing? That’s okay too. We’re also looking for passionate self-starters in the following areas, Discipleship Group Leaders, Administrative, New Chapter Development/Missions, and Graphic Design.
Thank you for your heart and desire to support RDM. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dance ministry with a mission to redeem all styles of dance for the glory of God. Visit our Give page of, to find the area of impact that most aligns with your intent. All donations are tax-deductible.
We have Parent/Tot classes that start at 1.5 years old.
Our policy is to never let your lack of ability to pay prevent you from being able to participate. We are a nonprofit ministry and desire for everyone interested in participation to be able to do so at their desired level. Yes, we offer payment plans, sliding scale fees, flat rate fees for those who qualify for reduced or free lunches and scholarship tuition awards.
Yes, we offer 2-4 camps every year during the months of June and July, ages 4+. Check for upcoming dates and schedule details.
You are free to enroll throughout the year, however, depending on the time of your enrollment you may not be able to participate in upcoming performances. Please contact us to discuss enrollment deadlines. We offer mini sessions, allowing for more flexibility in your schedule. Fall session is mid Sept.- mid Dec. Winter/Spring session is early Jan – early May. You can view the current class schedule and/or register at
We do have options for adults. Adults are welcome to join non-performing technique classes as well as specific adult-only classes in styles like Hip Hop and Lyrical and Improvisation. We can accommodate your schedule, with regular attendance or you can purchase a class punch card for irregular attendance.
Yes, most of our classes are co-ed and boys are welcome to join. We are also open to creating a boys-only class with a minimum of 5 students. In addition to our dance classes, we will launch a discipleship class specifically for boys in Jan. 2021.